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chilish 发表于 2010-12-2 22:30:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Vitamin D, Calcium Supplements Are Unnecessary, U.S.-Canadian Report Says

Vitamin D, Calcium Supplements Are Unnecessary, U.S.-Canadian Report Says
By Allison Connolly and Elizabeth Lopatto - Dec 1, 2010 12:43 AM

Vitamin D and calcium supplements are unnecessary for most people and may be harmful to some, a study commissioned by the U.S. and Canadian governments found.

While vitamin D and calcium are important for bone health, most residents of North America get enough of both through a diet that includes fortified foods and sun exposure, an expert committee commissioned by the U.S. Institute of Medicine found.

The panel reviewed more than 1,000 studies and comments from scientists in drawing its conclusions. The report said labs that test for vitamin D may overestimate the number of people who are deficient because their tests aren’t based on “rigorous scientific studies.”

“What we concluded may be surprising to some,” said Catherine Ross, the committee chair and a professor of nutrition at Pennsylvania State University, in a news conference. “We couldn’t find solid evidence that consuming more of either nutrient would protect the public from chronic diseases.”

The report was posted today on the Web site of the Washington-based Institute of Medicine, an independent, non- profit group that advises U.S. policy makers and the public.

The committee also found while most people get enough calcium through diet, girls between the ages of 9 and 18 can probably gain health advantages through use of supplements. On the other hand, postmenopausal women taking extra calcium may get too much, raising risks for kidney stones, the panel said.

“Confusion has grown among the public about how much vitamin D is necessary,” the report’s authors said.

Fortifying Food

Some researchers have questioned whether current levels used to fortify food are enough to meet people’s needs, according to the Mayo Clinic website. Recommended intake for adults aged 19 through 70 is 600 IU, and 800 IU for adults 71 years and older, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Almost all milk in the U.S. is fortified with 400 IU of vitamin D per quart, according to the NIH. The vitamin is also added to some breakfast cereals, orange juice, yogurt, margarine, and soy beverages, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements website.

The body also makes vitamin D from the sun, although in the winter in the northern half of the U.S., the sun is not strong enough for vitamin D production. While their diet may not supply enough vitamin D for many people, the sun provides enough to make up the difference, the report said.

People who may not get enough vitamin D can include those with darker skin, older adults, the obese, and those with some digestive disorders such as Crohn’s disease may not get enough vitamin D unless they make an effort, the NIH has said.
 楼主| chilish 发表于 2010-12-2 22:31:19 | 显示全部楼层




该研究小组回顾了超过1000项研究和评论 ,最终得出结论。他们的报告称检测维他命D的实验室可能高估了维生素D缺乏人群的数目,因为他们的检测不是基于严格的科学研究。

Catherine Ross是该委员会的主席,同时是宾夕法尼亚州立大学营养学教授,在一次新闻发布会上,她说:我们的结论可能会使一些人感到惊讶,但我们没有找到确凿证据支持摄入更多的钙或维生素D能使人们远离慢性疾病。





据Mayo Clinic网站称,一些研究人员已经质疑目前对食品进行强化的程度是否足以满足人们的需要。据美国国立卫生研究院的建议,19-70岁间成人的推荐摄入量为600IU,71岁以上为800IU。


机体可以通过日光合成维生素D,但冬天在北美的一半区域,光照不足以令机体合成足够的维生素D。报告还称,即使膳食可能不能提供多数人所需的维生素D水平, 光照也足以弥补这种不足(膳食和光照可相互补充)

jxndhsyd 发表于 2010-12-3 00:20:05 | 显示全部楼层
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