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[复习资料] 汉英基础医学词汇

wjinrong030 发表于 2011-3-16 13:27:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

阿斯匹林反应(高敏性) aspirin hypersensitivity

阿斯匹林 aspirin?

阿糖胞苷 cytarabine(Ara C)?

阿替洛尔 atenolol?

阿托品 atropine?

阿托品样的 atropinic?

阿昔洛韦 (无环鸟苷) aciclovir?

埃 angstrom (*!)?

埃博拉病毒 Ebolavirus

埃及血吸虫 Schistosoma haematobium

癌 carcinoma?

癌的分级 grading of cancer?

癌的分期 staging of cancer?

癌基因,原癌基因 oncogene?

癌,基因相关基因 oncogene related gene

癌家族 cancer family?

癌,胚抗原 carcinoembryonic antigen, CEA

艾里斑 Airy disk?

艾司唑仑 estazolam?

艾滋病 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS

安定药 neuroleptic drug?

安宫黄体酮 provera?

安培定律 Ampere law?

安培环路定理 Ampere circuital theorem

安培力 Ampere force?

安全范围 margin of safety?

安体舒通 antisterone?

安慰剂 placebo?

氨苯蝶啶 triamterene?

氨苄青霉素(阿比西林) ampicillin?

氨茶碱 aminophyline?

γ 氨基丁酸 γ gamma aminobutyric acid, GABA

氨基多糖 aminopolysaccharide?

氨基甲酸血红蛋白 carbaminohemoglobin?

氨基甲酰磷酸合成酶 carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, CPS

氨基末端 amino terminal?

δ 氨基γ酮戊酸 δ aminolevulinic acid,ALA

氨基酸 amino acid?

氨基肽酶 amino peptidase?

氨基糖甙类 aminoglycosides?

氨基酰tRNA合成酶 aminoacyl tRNA synthetase

氨基转移酶 aminotransferase?

氨甲苯酸 paminomethylbenzoic acid,PAMBA

氨甲蝶呤 methotrexate, MTX?

氨甲酰胆碱 carbachol?

氨酰基位,A位 aminoacyl site?

氨中毒 ammonia intoxication?

按蚊 Anopheles?

胺 amine?

胺吡酮 amrinone?

胺碘酮 aminodarone?

胺氯吡咪 amiloride?

胺能神经元 aminergic neuron?

胺氧化酶 amino oxidase?

暗带 dark band?

暗视野显微镜 darkfield microscope?

暗适应 dark adaptation?

赘生物 neoplasm?

奥沙西泮 oxazepam?

巴比妥类 barbiturates?

巴氏消毒法 pasteurization?

巴斯德菌属 Pasteurella??

靶器官 target organ?

靶细胞 target cell?

靶腺 target gland?

靶组织 target tissue?

靶学说 target theory?

白蛋白,清蛋白 albumin?

白喉、白日咳、破伤风三联疫苗 DPT vaccine (diphtheria pertussis tetanus)?

白喉毒素 diphtheria toxin, diphtherotoxin

白喉杆菌 Corynebacterium diphtheriae

白化病 albinism?

白蛉 sandfly?

白霉素 leucomycin?

白膜 tunica albuginea?

白三烯,白细胞三烯 leukotrienes, LTs

白色梗死 pale infarct?

白色念珠菌 Candida albicans??

白色肉瘤 leukosarcoma?

白色血栓 white thrombus?

白髓 white pulp?

白体 corpus albicans?

白细胞 leukocyte(white blood cell)?

白细胞功能抗原 leukocyte func tional antigens, LFAs

白细胞介素1和2 interleukin 1 and 2, IL 1, 2

白细胞介素 interleukin, IL?

白线 linea alba,white line?

白质 white matter,white substance?

百日咳毒素 pertussis toxin, PT?

百日咳杆菌 Bordetella pertussis??

败血症 septicemia?

败血症性休克 septic shock?

班氏吴策线虫 Wuchereria bancrofti

斑点分子杂交法 dot blot McCallum McCallum splaques?

瘢痕疙瘩 keloid?

板层颗粒 lamellated granule?

板层状 lamellar?

板齿 cutting plate?

板块模型 blocky model?

板内核 intralaminar nuclei?

半保留复制 semiconservative replication

半波损失 half wave loss?

半不连续复制 semidiscontinuous replication

半胱氨酸 cysteine?

半合子 hemizygote?

半核体 half nucleosome?

半脊索动物亚门 Subphylum semichordata

半价层 half value layer?

半腱肌 semitendinosus m.?

半抗原 hapten?

半膜肌 semimembranosus m.?

半桥粒 hemidesmosome?

半乳糖 galactose?

UDP半乳糖:GM2半乳糖基转移酶 UDP galactose:GM2 galactosyl transferase

UDP半乳糖:N 乙酰氨基葡萄糖半乳糖基转移酶 UDP galactose:N acetyl glucosamine galactosyl transferase

UDP 半乳糖NAc:GM3 N 乙酰氨基葡萄糖转移酶 UDP gal NAc:GM3 N acetyl?glucosaminyl transferase

半乳糖脑苷转硫酶 galactocerebraside sulfotransferase

半乳糖血症 galactosemia?

半寿期 half life?

半数感染量 ID 50, median infective dose

半数有效量 median effective dose?

半数致死量 median lethal dose(LD 50)

半衰期 half life period,half life time(T l/2)?

半显性 semidominance?

半月, 新月 demilune?

半月瓣 semilunar valve?

半月体形成 crescent formation?

半自主性细胞器 semiautonomous organelle

伴随免疫 concomitant immunity?

瓣膜 valve?

瓣膜关闭不全 valvular insufficiency?

包涵体 inclusion bodies?

包涵物 inclusion?

包埋 embedding?

包曼囊, 肾小囊 Bowman s (renal) capsule

包膜 envelope?

包囊 cyst?

包氏复合体 B tzinger complex?

包蜕膜 decidua capsularis?

包围 encapsulation?

包装抽提物 packaging extract?

孢子增殖 sporogony?

胞壁酸 teichoic acid?

胞壁质 murein?

胞苷 cytidine?

胞苷酸 cytidine monophosphate, CMP

胞肛 cytoproct?

胞间连丝 plasmodesmata?

胞浆阻滞法 cytokinesis block method

胞浆阻滞微核法 cytokinesis block micronucleus method

胞口 cytostome?

胞嘧啶 cytosine (C)?

胞膜内褶 cell membrane infolding?

胞内体 endosome?

胞体 soma?

胞吐,胞裂外排,外吐作用 exocytosis

胞吞,入胞,内吞 endocytosis?

胞咽 cytopharynx?

胞饮作用 pinocytosis?

胞蚴 sporocyst?

胞质分裂 cytokinesis?

胞质周围间隙 periplasmic space?

饱和 saturation?

饱和盐水浮聚法 brine flotation?

保虫宿主 reservoir host?

保守力 conservative force?

抱雌沟 gynecophoral canal?

暴发性病毒性肝炎 fulminant viral hepatitis

爆式促进活性因子 burst promoting activity (BPA) factor

爆式红系集落形成单位 burst forming unit erythroid(BFU E)

杯状细胞 goblet cell?

贝洛尔 labetalol?

贝叶定理 Bayes?s law?

备用 reserve?

备用状态 resting state?

背侧 dorsal?

背侧呼吸组 dorsal respiratory group, DGR

背侧丘脑(丘脑) dorsal thalamus(thalamus)

背阔肌 latissimus dorsi m.?

背鳍 dorsal fin?

背胰芽 dorsal pancreatic bud?

背主动脉 dorsal aorta?

倍地米松 betamethasone?

被动扩散 passive diffusion?

被动皮肤过敏反应 passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, PCA

被动运输,被动转运 passive transport

被动重吸收 passive reabsorption?

被覆上皮 covering epithelium?

被盖 tegmentum?

被膜下淋巴窦 subcapsular sinus?

被膜下上皮细胞 subcapsular epithelial cell

贲门腺 cardiac gland?

贲门 cardia, cardiac orifice?

本体感受器 proprioceptors?

本周蛋白 Bence Jones protein?

苯巴比妥(鲁米那) phenobarbital(luminal)

苯丙氨酸 phenylalanine?

苯丙氨酸羟化酶 phenylalanine hydroxylase

苯丙酮尿病 phenylketonuria, PKU?

苯二氮 NFDA1类 benzodiazepines?

苯海拉明 diphenhydromine benadryl?

苯海索(安坦) trihexyphenidyl (artane)

苯磺唑酮 sulphinpyrazone?

苯酮酸尿症 pheny ketonuria, PKU?

苯氧酸 fibric acid?

苯乙醇胺 phenylethanolamine?

苯乙双胍 phenformin?

苯异硫氰酸 phenylisothiocyanate, PITC

苯扎贝特 bezafibrate?

苯唑青霉素(新青霉素II) oxacillin?

泵 pump?

泵衰竭 pump failure?

泵-漏模式 pump?leak model?

鼻板 nasal placode?

鼻病毒 rhinovirus?

鼻骨 nasal bone?

鼻腔 nasal cavity?

鼻窝 nasal pit?

鼻咽部 nasal pharynx?

鼻中隔 nasal septum?

比较医学 comparative medicine?

比目鱼肌 soleus m.?

比沙可淀 bisacodyl?

吡丁醇 pirbuterol?

吡啶核苷酸转氢酶 pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase

吡哆胺 pyridoxamine?

吡哆醇 pyridoxine?

吡哆醛 pyridoxal?

吡喹酮 praziquantel?

吡嗪酰胺 pyrazinamide?

必需氨基酸 essential amino acid?

必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid?

毕奥-萨伐尔定律 Biot?Savart law?

闭孔神经 obturator n.?

闭锁连接 occluding junction?

闭锁卵泡 atresic follicle?

闭锁小带 zonula occludens?

篦麻毒蛋白 ricin?

蓖麻油 castor oil?

壁腹膜 parietal peritoneum?

壁蜕膜 decidua parietalis?

壁细胞 parietal cell?

壁胸膜 parietal pleura?

避孕药 contraceptive?

臂丛 brachial plexus?

臂间倒位 pericentric inversion?

臂内倒位 paracentric inversion?

臂旁内侧核 parabrachialis medialis?

边缘层 marginal layer?

边缘窦 marginal sinus?

边缘区 marginal zone?

边缘系统 limbic system?

编码链 coding strand?

编程性细胞死亡 programmed cell death

鞭毛 flagellum, flagella?

扁平囊泡 cisterna?

扁平体 platy?some?

扁形动物 platyhelminthes?

扁形动物门 Phylum platyhelminthes?

苄氟噻嗪 bendroflumethiazide?

变传导作用 dromotropic action?

变构酶,别位酶 allosteric enzyme?

变构学说 allosteric theory?

变构作用 allostery?

变力状态 inotropic state?

变力作用 inotropic action?

变时作用 chronotropic action?

变态 metamorphosis?

变态反应 allergy?

变温动物 poikilothermal animal?

变形 deformity?

变性,溃变 degeneration,denaturation

变移上皮 transitional epithelium?

变异 variation?

变质 alteration?

变质性炎症 alterative inflammation?

遍多酸 pantothenic acid?

标记亲和素-生物素法,LAB法 labeled avidin biotin method, LAB method

标记染色体 marker chromosome?

标识补救 marker rescue?

CD标志,分化抗原标志 CD markers,(CD:cluster of differentiation)?

标志X射线谱 characteristic X ray spectrum

标准碳酸氢盐 standard bicarbonate, SB

表(现)型 phenotype?

表达 expression?

表达反义 antisence?

表达载体 expression vector?

表观分布容积 aparent volume of distribution(Vd)

表观粘度 apparent viscosity?

表面层 surface layer?

表面活性物质 surfactant?

表面激活 surface activation?

表面抗原 surface antigen?

表面麻醉 surface anaesthesia?

表面能 surface energy?

表面粘液细胞 surface mucous cell?

表面张力 surface tension?

表面张力系数 coefficient of surface tension

表膜 pellicle?

表皮 epidermis?

表皮生长因子 epidermal growth factor, EGF

表皮癣菌 epidermophyton?

表皮样囊肿 epidermoid cyst?

表皮增殖单位 epidermal proliferative unit

表浅性阑尾炎 superficial appendicitis?

表位 epitope?

表现度不一致 variable expressivity?

表型混合 phenotypic mixing?

表型模拟 phenocopy?

别构(位)效应 allosteric effect?

别构调节 allosteric regulation?

别嘌呤醇 allopurinol?

槟榔 semenarecae?

濒死 impending death?

髌骨 patella?

髌韧带 patellar ligament?

冰冻切片 frozen section?

丙氨酸 alanine?

丙氨酸-葡萄糖循环 alanine glucose cycle

丙胺太林 propantheline?

丙吡胺 disopyramide?

丙二酸 malonate?

丙二酰基转移酶 malonyl transferase, MT

丙磺舒 probenecid?

丙基硫氧嘧啶 propylthiouracil?

丙咪嗪 imipramine?

丙酮 acetone?

丙酮酸 pyruvic acid?

丙酮酸激酶 pyruvate kinase?

丙酮酸羧化酶 pyruvate carboxylase?

丙酮酸脱氢酶复合体 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex

丙戊酸钠 sodium valproate?

丙烯吗啡 nalorphine?

并肢畸形 sirenomelus?

病变 lesion?

病毒 virus?

EB病毒 Epstein Barr virus,EBV?

B病毒病 B virus disease?

病毒固定,病毒胞饮 viropexis?

病毒体 virion?

病毒性肺炎 viral pneumonia?

病毒性肝炎 viral hepatitis?

病毒性心肌炎 virus myocarditis?

病毒血症 viremia?

病理过程 pathological process?

病理解剖学 pathologic anatomy?

病理生理学 pathophysiology?

病理性萎缩 pathologic atrophy?

病理学 pathology?

病因治疗 etiological treatment?

病原菌(体) pathogenic bacteria (pathogen)

病原体 pathogen?

病原学 etiology?

波长 wave length?

波的干涉 interference of wave?

波的衍射 diffraction of wave?

波动 wave motion?

波动膜 undulating membrane?

波动性 undulatory property?

波腹 antinode(wave loop)?

波节 wave node?

波粒二象性 wave?particle dualism?

波面 wave surface?

波前(波阵面) wave front?

波速 wave velocity?

波形蛋白纤维 vimentin filament?

波源 wave source?

玻尔磁子 Bohr magneton?

玻尔效应 Bohr effect?

玻尔兹曼常量 Boltzmann constant?

玻尔兹曼分布率 Boltzmann distribution law

玻璃体 vitreous body?

玻璃样变性 hyaline degeneration?

玻片扩散试验 disk diffusion test?

玻片凝集试验 slide agglutination test

伯氨奎 primaquine?

伯贝克颗粒 Birbeck granule?

伯努利方程 Bernoulli equation?

泊肃叶定律 Poiseuille law?

博来霉素 bleomycin?

博-金培养基 Bordet Gengou medium?

搏出功 stroke work?

薄膜干涉 film interference?

薄束核 nucleus gracilis?

薄束结节 gracile tubercle?

薄束 fasciculus gracilis?

薄透镜 thin lens?

薄血膜 thin smear film?

卟胆原 porphobilinogen, PBG?

卟啉症 porphria?

卟啉 porphyrin?

补充治疗 supplement therapy?

补呼气量 expiratory reserve volume, ERV

补救(重新利用)途径 salvage pathway?

补体 complement?

补体分子1~9 C1~C9?

补体受体1,2,3 CR1, CR2, CR3?

补位或对位 paratope?

补吸气量 inspiratory reserve volume, IRV

哺乳 lactation?

哺乳动物纲 Class Mammalia?

哺育细胞 nurse cell?

不对称性 asymmetry?

不对称转录 asymmetric transcription

不分离 non disjunction?

不感蒸发(不显汗) insensible perspiration

不规则显性 irregular dominance?

不均一核RNA,核内异质RNA heterogeneous nuclear RNA, hnRNA

不连续复制 discontinuous replication

不连续毛细血管 discontinuous capillary

不良反应 untowardeffect,untowardreaction

不全变态 hemimetabola?

不确定关系 uncertainty relation?

不确定原理 uncertainty principle?

不通肛 imperforate anus?

不完全恢复健康 incomplete recovery

不完全连锁 incomplete linkage?

不完全外显率 incomplete penetrance

不完全显性 incomplete dominance?

不稳定配对 wobble base pair?

不需氧脱氢酶 anaerobic dehydrogenase

不应期 refractory period?

不应性 refractoriness?

不育囊 infertile cyst?

布比卡因 bupivacaine?

布喇格方程 Bragg equation?

布洛芬 ibuprofen?

布氏姜片虫 Fasciolopsis buski??

布氏姜片虫病 fasciolopsiasis?

布氏嗜碘阿米巴 Iodamoeba butschlii

部分激动剂 partial agonist?

部分拮抗剂 partial antagonist?

部分偏振光 partial polarized light?

残基 residue?

残留期 residual period?

残体 residual body?

苍白球 globus pallidus?

操纵基因 operator?

操纵子 operon?

Lac操纵子 Lac operon?

操纵子学说 operon theory?

糙皮病,癞皮病 pellagra?

草虫 Paramoecium?

草酰乙酸 oxaloacetic acid?

侧脑室 lateral ventricle?

侧舌隆起 lateral lingual swelling?

侧生组分 lateral element?

侧向扩散 lateral diffusion?

侧翼序列 flanking sequence?

侧枝循环 collateral circulation?

侧中胚层 lateral mesoderm?

侧翼区,连接区 5'?flanking region

层流 laminar flow?

层粘连蛋白 laminin,LN?

茶碱 theophyline?

差次表达 differential expression?

差向变构酶 epimerase?

蟾蜍 toad?

产气荚膜杆菌 Clostridium perfringens

产前诊断 prenatal diagnosis?

产热中枢 thermogenic center?

长臂 longarm?

长臂猿科 hylobratidae?

长春碱 vinblastine(VLB)?

长春新碱 vincristine(VCR)?

长醇磷酸脂 dolichol phosphate?

长度-张力曲线 length tension curve?

长反馈 long loop feedback?

长膜壳绦虫 H. diminuta??

长期的遗传稳定性 long term gene ticstability

长时程加强作用 long term potentiation, LTP

长收肌 adductor longus m.?

长吸式呼吸 apneustic breathing?

肠 intestine?

肠道病毒 enterovirus?

肠道杆菌 enteric bacillus (entero rod)

肠道神经系统 enteric nervous system

肠道相关的淋巴组织 gut associated lymphoid tissue,GALT

肠毒素 enterotoxin?

肠干 intestinal trunk?

肠激酶 enterokinase?

肠期 intestinal phase?

肠热症 enteric fever?

肠绒毛 intestinal villus?

肠系膜 mesentery?

肠系膜后动脉 posterior mesenteric artery

肠系膜淋巴结 mesenteric lymph node

肠系膜前动脉 anterior mesenteric artery

肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric a.

肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric a.?

肠相关淋巴组织 gut associated lymphoid tissue

肠抑胃素 enterogastrone?

肠隐窝 intestinal crypt?

肠源性紫绀 enterogenous cyanosis?

肠-肝循环 entero hepatic circulation

常染色质 euchromatin?

常染色体 autosome?

常染色体显性遗传 autosomal dominant inheritance, AD

常染色体隐性遗传 autosomal recessive inheritance, AR

场强叠加原理 principle of superposition of field intensity

场源电荷 charge of field source?

超变区 hypervariable region?

超常期 supernormal period?

超导电性 superconductivity?

超短反馈 ultrashort loop feedback?

超二倍体 hyperdiploid, 2n+?

超二级结构 supersecondary structure

超核小体颗粒 supernucleosomal granule

超活化巨噬细胞 hyperactivated macrophage

超基因 supergene?

超极化 hyperpolarization?

超家族 superfamily?

超精细分裂 hyperfine splitting?

超抗原 super antigen, SAg?

超螺试管 supersolenoid?

超敏性 hypersensitivity?

超敏感位点 hypersensitive site?

超声波 ultrasonic wave?

超微结构 ultramicroscopic structure,ultrastructure

超氧化,超氧负离子 superoxide?

超氧化物歧化酶 superoxide dismutase, SOD

潮气量 tidal volume, V T?

尘细胞 dust cell?

沉淀 precipitation?

沉淀法 sedimentation method?

沉降系数 sedimentation coefficient?

称码突变 frame shift mutation?

成虫, 成年人 adult?

成骨区 zone of ossification?

成骨细胞 osteoblast?

成骨作用 ossification?

成冠,戴帽 capping?

成节 mature proglottid?

成人呼吸窘迫综合征 adult respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS?

成少突胶质细胞 oligodendroblast?

成神经胶质细胞 glioblast?

成神经细胞 neuroblast?

成熟促进因子 maturation promoting factor, MPF

成熟分裂 maturation division?

成熟卵泡 mature follicle?

成熟面 maturation face,mature face?

成纤维细胞 fibroblast?

成纤维细胞生长因子 fibroblast growth factor, FGF

成星形胶质细胞 astroblast?

成牙质细胞 odontoblast?

成瘾性 addiction?

成釉质细胞 ameblast?

程序性细胞死亡,凋落,凋亡 apoptosis

弛缓时间 relaxation time?

迟发型子孢子 bradysporozoite?

迟发性超敏反应 delayed type hypersensitivity, DTH

迟发性运动障碍 tardive dyskinesia?

迟复制 late replication?

迟后除极 delayed afterdepolarization?

迟缓期 lag phase?

持续时间 persistent period?

持续性感染 persistent infection?

尺侧腕屈肌 flexor carpi ulnaris m.?

尺侧腕伸肌 extensor carpi ulnaris m.

尺动脉 ulnar a.?

尺骨 ulna?

尺神经 ulnar n.?

齿状核 dentate nucleus?

齿状线 pectinate line?

耻骨 pubis?

耻骨联合 pubic symphysis?

赤道板 equatorial plate?

充电 charging?

充血 hyperemia(congestion)?

充血期 stage of congestion?

充血型心肌病 congestive cardiomyopathy

充血性心力衰竭 congestive heart failure

充盈量 filling volume?

充盈相 filling phase?

充盈压 filling pressure?

冲量,冲动 impulse?

冲量矩 moment of impulse?

虫媒疾病 insect borne disease, arthropod borne disease

虫体抗原 somatic antigen?

重叠感染 superinfection?

重叠序列 overlapping sequence?

重复 duplication?

重复畸形 double malformation?

重复序列 repetitive sequence?

重接 rejoin?

重排 rearrangement?

重组DNA工艺学 recombinant DNA technology

重组DNA recombinant DNA?

重组合,基因重组 recombination?

重组近交系 recombinant inbred strain

重组期 recombination stage?

重组染色体 recombinant chromosome

重组细胞 reconstitution cell?

重组小节 recombination nodules?

出汗 sweating?

出生率 natality?

出生缺陷 birth defect?

出血 hemorrhage?

出血倾向 bleeding tendency?

出血时间 bleeding time?

出血性梗死 hemorrhagic infarct?

出芽 budding?

初长 initial length?

初级不分离 primary non disjunction

初级骨化中心 primary ossification center

初级骨髓 primary bone marrow?

初级精母细胞 primary spermatocyte?

初级淋巴组织 primary lymphoid tissue

初级卵母细胞 primary oocyte?

初级卵泡期 primary follicular phase?

初级卵泡 primary follicle?

初级溶酶体 primary lysosome?

初级性索 primary sex cord?

初级缢痕 centromere constriction?

初级止血反应 primary hemostatic response?

初始反应,初次应答 primary response

除(去)极化 depolarization?

除极幅度 depolarization amplitude?

除极相 depolarization phase?

储备受体 spare receptor?

储备细胞 reserve cell?

处女膜 hymen?

处女型B细胞 virgin B cell?

搐搦 tetany?

触觉小体 tactile corpuscle?

触酶,过氧化氢酶 catalase?

触手 tentacle?

穿孔 perforation?

穿孔蛋白,穿孔素 perforin?

穿入 penetration?

穿通管(Volkmann管) perforating canal

穿通纤维(Sharpey纤维) perforating (Sharpey) fiber?

传出神经系统 efferent nervous system

传出神经 efferent nerve?

传出神经元 efferent neuron?

传代培养 subculture?

传导 conduction?

传导麻醉 conduction anaesthesia?

传导速度 conduction velocity?

传导通路 pathway?

传导性,电导率 conductivity?

传导阻滞 conduction block?

传递 transmission?

传能线密度 linear energy transfer, LET

传染性肝炎 infectious hepatitis?

传染性软疣 molluscum contagiosum?

传入神经 afferent nerve?

传入神经接替站 relay station of afferent nerve?

传入神经元 afferent neuron?

创伤性休克 traumatic shock?

创伤修复,愈合 wound healing?

垂唇,口下板(昆虫) hypostome?

垂体 hypophysis, pituitary?

垂体后叶素 pituitrin?

垂体门静脉系统 hypophyseal portal system

垂体细胞 pituicyte?

垂体腺瘤 pituitary adenoma?

垂体-肾上腺轴 pituitary adrenal axis?

垂直 vertical?

垂直传播 vertical transmission?

垂直柱 vertical column?

锤骨 malleus?

纯合子 homozygote?

唇裂 cleft lip?

磁场 magnetic field?

磁场强度 magnetic field intensity?

磁畴 magnetic domain?

磁导率,通透性 permeability?

磁感应强度 magnetic induction?

磁感应线 magnetic induction line?

磁矩 magnetic moment?

磁聚焦 magnetic focusing?

磁量子数 magnetic quantum number?

磁偶极子 magnetic dipole?

磁通量 magnetic flux?

磁旋比 magnetogyric ratio?

雌二醇 estradiol?

雌激素 estrogen?

雌三醇 estriol?

雌酮 estrone?

雌性 female?

雌原核 female pronucleus?

次侧 secondary aspect?

次黄嘌呤核苷酸 inosine monophosphate, IMP

次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(HGPRT) hypoxanthine guanine phosphori bosyl transferase

次级不分离 secondary non disjunction?

次级骨化中心 secondary ossification center

次级精母细胞 secondary spermatocyte

次级卵母细胞 secondary oocyte?

次级卵泡 secondary follicle?

次级卵泡期 secondary follicular phase

次级溶酶体 secondary lysosome?

次级性索 secondary sex cord?

次级缢痕,副缢痕 secondary constriction

次声波 infrasonic wave?

刺激 stimulus (stimuli),stimulation?

刺激性感受器 irritant receptor?

刺突,锋电位 spike?

刺细胞 cnidoblast?

从头合成 de novo synthesis?

从性显性 sex influenced dominance,sex controlled dominance?

丛密绒毛膜 villous chorion?

粗肌丝 thick filament?

粗面内质网 rough endoplasmic reticulum, RER

粗线期 pachytene stage, pachynema?

促黑激素释放抑制因子 melanocyte stimulating hormone inhibiting factor, MIF

促黑激素释放因子 melanocyte stimulating hormone releasing factor, MRF

促红细胞生成(因子)素 erythropoiesis stimulating factor, ESF?

促红细胞生成素 erythropoietin, EPO?

促甲状腺激素 thyrotropin or thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH?

促甲状腺激素细胞 thyrotroph, TSH cell?

促甲状腺素释放激素 thyrotropin releasing hormone ,TRH

促肾上腺皮质激素 adrenal corticotropic hormone, ACTH

促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素 corticotropin releasing hormone, CRH

促肾上腺皮质激素细胞 corticotroph, ACTH cell

促生长素 somatotropin?

促性腺激素细胞 gonadotroph?

促性腺激素 gonadotropin?

促性腺激素释放激素 gonadotropin releasing hormone, GnRH

促胰液素 secretin?

促脂素 lipotropin or lipotrophic hormone, LPH

醋氨酚 acetaminophen?

醋唑磺胺 diamox?

猝灭 quenching?

催产素 oxytocin (pitocin),OXT?

催眠药 hyponotics?

催乳激素 mammotropin or prolactin,PRL

催乳激素细胞 mammotroph, prolactin cell

催乳素释放抑制因子 prolactin release inhibiting factor, PIF?

催乳素释放因子 prolactin releasing factor, PRF

脆性X染色体综合征 fragile X syndrome

脆性部位 fragile site?

存活分数 CNN surviving fraction?

错义突变 missense mutation?

大肠 large intestine?

大肠艾希菌 Escherichia coli, E coli

大动脉 large artery?

大多角骨 trapezium?

大分生孢子 macroconidium?

大沟 major groove?

大黄属 Rheum(officinale Baill)??

大(家)鼠属 Genus rattus??

大胶质细胞 macroglia?

大结节 greater tubercle?

大结节性肝硬变 macronodular cirrhosis

大静脉 large vein?

大颗粒淋巴细胞 large granular lymphocyte, LGL

大脑半球 cerebral hemisphere?

大脑动脉环 cerebral arterial circle?

大脑后动脉 posterior cerebral a.?

大脑脚 cerebral peduncle?

大脑脚底 basis pedunculi cerebralis?

大脑镰 falx cerebri?

大脑皮层 cerebral cortex?

大脑前动脉 anterior cerebral a.?

大脑中动脉 middle cerebral a.?

大配子体 macrogametocyte?

大收肌 adductor magnus m.?

大网膜 greater omentum?

大循环或系统循环 greater or systemic circulation

大亚单位(大亚基) large subunit?

大叶性肺炎 lobar pneumonia?

大阴唇 labium majus?

大隐静脉 great saphenous v.?

大转子 greater trochanter?

呆小症,克汀病 cretinism?

代偿 compensation?

代偿间歇 compensatory pause?

代偿性肺气肿 compensatory emphysema

代乳 foster nursing?

代谢部位 site of metabolism?

代谢调节 metabolic regulation?

代谢库(池) metabolic pool?

代谢偶联 metabolic coupling?

代谢物 metabolite?

代谢性碱中毒 metabolic alkalosis?

代谢性酸中毒 metabolic acidosis?

代谢终产物 end product of metabolism

带虫免疫 premunition?

带绦虫病 taeniasis?

带型 banding pattern?

丹伯磺酰氯,丹磺酰氯 dansyl Cl?

丹佛体制 Denver system?

丹氏颗粒 Dane?s particle?

单胺 monoamine?

单胺氧化酶 monoamine oxidase, MAO

单胺氧化酶抑制剂 monoamine oxidase(MAO) inhibitor

单倍体 haploid?

单侧肺不发生 unilateral pulmonary agenesis

单层(扁平)鳞状上皮 simple squamous epithelium

单层立方上皮 simple cubidal epithelium

单层上皮 simple epithelium?

单层纤毛柱状上皮 simple ciliated columnar epithelium

单层柱状上皮 simple columnar epithelium

单纯癌 carcinoma simplex?

单纯蛋白质 simple protein?

单纯疱疹病毒 herpes simplex virus, HSV

单纯型酸碱紊乱 simple acid base disorder

单核吞噬细胞系统 mononuclear phagocyte system, MPS

单核细胞 monocyte?

单核细胞性血白病 monocytic leukemia

单基因病 monogenic disease?

单级成神经细胞 unipolar neuroblast?

单极神经元(假单极神经元) unipolar neuron (Pseudounipolar neuron)

单击多靶学说 single hit multi target theory

单加氧酶 monooxygenase?

单加氧酶体系 monooxygenase system

单克隆 monoclonal?

单克隆抗体 monoclonal antibody?

单链构象多态性 single strand conformation polymorphism, SSCP?

单球面折射 refraction at a simple spherical surface

单色辐射本领 monochromatic emissive power

单色吸收率 monochromatic absorptivity

单收缩 single twitch?

单糖 monosaccharide?

单体 monomer?

单体型 haplotype?

单体型分析 haplotyping?

单体性 monosomy?

单脱碘酶 monodeiodinase?

单位膜 unit membrane?

单位丝 unit fiber?

单细胞腺 unicellular gland?

单线态 singletstate?

单腺 simple gland?

单相动作电位 monophasic action potential

单向琼脂扩散 single agar diffusion?

单一序列 unique sequence?

单轴晶体 uniaxial crystal?

单作用子 monocistron?

胆钙化醇 (维生素D3) cholecalciferol

胆固醇 cholesterol?

胆固醇栓子 cholesterol emboli?

胆固醇酯酶 cholesteryl esterase?

胆管癌 bile duct carcinoma?

胆红素 bilirubin?

胆碱 choline?

胆碱能的 cholinergic?

胆碱能神经元 cholinergic neuron?

胆碱能受体 cholinoceptor?

胆碱能纤维 cholinergic fiber?

胆碱受体 cholinergic receptor?

胆碱乙酰转移酶 cholinacetyltranslase

胆碱酯酶 cholinesterase?

胆碱酯酶复活药 cholinesterase reactivator

胆囊 gall bladder?

胆囊动脉 cystic a.?

胆囊管 cystic duct?

胆囊收缩素 cholecystokinin, CCK?

胆色素 bile pigment?

胆素原肠肝循环 entero hepatic bilinogen cycle

胆酸 bile acids,cholic acid?

胆小管 bile canaliculi?

胆汁 bile?

胆汁性肝硬变 biliary cirrhosis?

胆汁淤积 cholestasis?

胆总管 common bile duct?

淡色库蚊 culex pipiens pallens?

蛋氨酸 methionine?

蛋(甲硫)氨酸循环 methionine cycle?

蛋白分泌细胞 protein secreting cell?

G蛋白关联受体 G protein linked receptor

蛋白激酶C protein kinase C,PKC?

蛋白结合 protein binding?

蛋白聚糖 蛋白多糖 proteoglycan PG

蛋白酶 protease proteinase?

蛋白膜 albuminous coat?

蛋白尿 proteinuria?

蛋白印迹试验 Western blot?

蛋白质 protein?

蛋白质C protein C?

蛋白质表达 protein expression?

蛋白质的凝固作用 protein coagulation

蛋白质结絮作用 protein flocculation?

蛋白质转换 protein turnover?

蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用 protein protein interaction

氮平衡 nitrogen balance?

氮质血症 azotemia,nitremia?

刀豆蛋白A concanavalin A, Con A?

导管 duct?

导肽 presequences,targeting sequence

岛叶 insula?

倒位 invertion?

倒位重复顺序 inverted repeat sequence

倒置相差显微镜 inverted phase contrast microscope

道尔顿分压公式 Dalton law of partial pressure

灯刷染色体 lampbrush chromosome?

登革病毒 dengue virus?

等臂染色体 isochromosome?

等长调节 homometic regulation?

等长收缩 isometric contraction?

等电点 isoelectric point, IP?

等价区 equivalence zone?

等倾干涉条纹 equal inclination fringe

等容过程 isochoric process?

等容收缩相 isovolumetric contraction phase

等容舒张相 isovolumetric relaxation phase

等渗尿 isosthenuria?

等渗性脱水 isotonic dehydration?

等势面 equipotential surface?

等位基因 allele?

等位基因排斥 allelic exclusion?

等温过程 isothermal process?

等响曲线 loudness contours?

等压过程 isobaric process?

等张收缩 isotonic contraction?

等张性低氧血症 isotonic hypoxemia?

镫骨 stapes?

低常期 subnormal period?

低动力型休克 hypodynamic shock?

低分化癌 poor differentiated carcinoma

低钾血症 hypokalemia?

低磷酸盐血症 hypophosphatemia?

低镁血症 hypomagnesemia?

低密度脂蛋白 low density lipoprotein, LDL

低凝状态 hypocoagulability?

低色效应 hypochromic effect?

低渗尿 hypostheuria?

低渗性脱水 hypotonic dehydration?

低输出量性心力衰竭 low output heart failure

低位脑干 low brain stem?

低血钙症 hypocalcemia?

低血容性休克 hypovolemic shock?

低血液动力性缺氧 hypokinetic hypoxia

低张性低氧血症 hypotonic hypoxemia

底板 floor plate?

骶椎 sacral vertebra?

骶丛 sacral plexus?

骶骨 sacrum?

骶子宫韧带 uterosacral ligament?

骶棘韧带 sacrospinous ligament?

骶结节韧带 sacrotuberous ligament?

骶髂关节 sacroiliac joint?

地尔硫NFDA1 diltiazem?

地方性甲状腺肿 endemic goiter?

地高辛 digoxin?

地卡因 dicaine?

地塞米松 dexamethasone?

地西泮 diazepam?

地衣红 orcein?

地中海贫血 thalassemia?

递质 transmitter?

第Ⅷ因子相关抗原 factor Ⅷ related antigen, FⅧ?

第二极体 second polar body?

第二极体 secondary polar body?

第二焦点 secondary focal point?

第二焦距 secondary focal length?

第二节点 secondary nodal point?

第二期愈合 second intention?

第二心音 second heart sound?

第二信使 second message,second messenger

第二性征 secondary sex characteristics

第二主点 secondary principal point?

第二主平面 secondary principal plane

第三脑室 third ventricle?

第四脑室 fourth ventricle?

第四脑室脉络丛 choroid plexus of fourth ventricle

第一极体 first polar body?

第一焦点 primary focal point?

第一焦距 primary focal length?

第一节点 primary nodal point?

第一期愈合 first intention?

第一心音 first heart sound?

第一信使 first messenger?

第一主点 primary principal point?

第一主平面 primary principal plane?

颠换 transversion?

癫痫 epilepsies?

癫痫持续状态 status epilepticus?

癫痫发作 epileptic seizures?

点突变 point mutation?

点状桥粒 spot desmosome?

碘 iodine?

碘泵 iodine pump?

碘化物 iodide?

碘解磷定 pralidoxime iodide?

碘染色法 iodine staining?

碘乙酸 iodoacetic acid?

电场 electric field?

电场强度(场强) electric field intensity

电穿孔 electroporation?

电磁波谱 electromagnetic spectrum?

电磁波 electromagnetic wave?

电磁感应 electromagnetic induction?

电磁振荡 electromagnetic oscillation?

电导 conductance?

电动势 electromotive force?

电荷守恒定律 law of conservation of charge

电化学屏障 electrochemical barrier?

电化学梯度 electrochemical gradient?

电化学质子梯度 electro chemical proton gradient

电极化率 electric susceptibility?

电极 electrode?

电解质 electrolyte?

电介质(绝缘体) dielectric?

电介质的极化 dielectric polarization?

电镜放射自显影术 electron microscope autoradiography

电镜细胞化学术 electron microscope cytochemistry

电离 ionization?

电离比值 specific ionization?

电离辐射的生物学效应 biological effect of ionizing radiation

电离辐射 ionizing radiation?

电离密度 ionization density?

电力线 electric lines of force?

电流 electric current?

电流密度 electric current density?

电流强度 current intensity?

电偶极矩 electric dipole moment?

电偶极子 electric dipole?

电偶联 electrical coupling?

电容 capacity(capacitance)?

电容率(介电常量) permittivity (dielectric constant)

电容器 condenser(capacitor)?

电融合法 electro fusion method?

电势 electric potential?

电势差 electric potential difference?

电势叠加原理 principle of superposition of electric potential?

电势能 electric potential energy?

电势梯度矢量 potential gradient?

电通量 electric flux?

电突触 electrical synapse?

电位移矢量 electric displacement vector

电休克发作 electroshock seizure?

电压 voltage?

电压门控离子通道 voltage gated ion channel

电压门控性通道 voltage gated channel?

电压钳 voltage clamp?

电压依赖性钙通道 voltage dependent channel, VDC

电泳率 electrophoretic mobility?

电源 power supply(power source)?

电子对生成 electron pair production?

电子俘获 electron capture?

电子透明 electron lucent?

电子显微镜 electron microscope, EM

电子致密 electron dense?

电子转移黄素蛋白 electron transferring flavoprotein, ETFP

电子自旋共振 electron spin resonance, ESR

电阻率 resistivity?

垫料 bedding?

淀粉 starch?

淀粉酶 amylase?

淀粉样变性 amyloid degeneration?

叠氮脱氧胸苷 azidothymidine, AZT?

蝶骨 sphenoid bone?

丁胺卡那霉素 amikacin?

丁苯氧酸 bumetanide?

丁达尔散射 Tyndall scattering?

丁卡因 tetracaine?

丁酰苯类 butyrophenones?

耵聍腺 ceruminous gland?

顶板 roof plate?

顶盖 tectum?

顶盖脊髓束 tectospinal tract?

顶跟长 crown heal length, CHL?

顶骨 parietal bone?

顶极 climax?

顶泌汗腺 apocrine sweat gland?

顶体 acrosome?

顶体反应 acrosome reaction?

顶体酶 acrosin?

顶突 rostellum?

顶臀长 crown rump length, CRL?

顶叶 parietal lobe?

顶枕沟 parieto occipital sulcus?

定态 stationary state?

定向造血干细胞 committed stem cell

定向祖细胞 committed progenitor?

定轴转动 rotation around a fixed axis

东莨菪碱 scopolamine?

冬眠 hibernation?

动合子 ookinete?

动基体 kinetoplast?

动静脉短路 arteriovenous shunt?

动力蛋白,达因蛋白 dynein?

动量 momentum?

动量定理 momentum theorem?

动量守恒定律 law of conservation of momentum

动脉 artery?

动脉导管 ductus arteriosus?

动脉导管未闭 patent ductus arteriosus

动脉干 truncus arteriosus?

动脉脉搏 arterial pulse?

动脉内的 intra arterial, i.a?

动脉囊 aortic sac?

动脉球 bulbus arteriosus?

动脉韧带 arterial ligament?

动脉性充血 arterial hyperemia?

动脉血压 arterial pressure?

动脉硬化性心脏病 arteriosclerotic heart disease

动脉圆锥 conus arteriosus?

动脉周围淋巴鞘 periarterial lymphatic sheath

动脉粥样硬化 atherosclerosis?

动能 kinetic energy?

动能定理 kinetic energy theorem?

动情后期 metestrus?

动情间期 diestrus?

动情期 estrus?

动情前期 proestrus?

动情周期 estrus cycle?

动生电动势 motional electromotive force

动态平衡 dynamic equilibrium?

动物实验 animal experiment?

动物疫源性疾病 animal borne disease

动纤毛 kinocilium?

动眼神经核 oculomotor nucleus?

动眼神经 oculomotor n.?

动质 ergastoplasm?

动作电位 action potential?

动作电位时程 action potential duration, APD

动-静脉吻合 arteriovenous anastomosis

豆状核 lenticular nucleus?

窦房结起搏电位 SA node pacema ker potential

窦房结 sinoatrial (SA) node?

窦结节 sinus tubercle,Müller tuberele

窦周(迪塞)隙 perisinusoidal (Disse) space

窦状毛细血管 sinusoid capillary?

毒扁豆碱 physostigmine?

毒力 virulence?

毒毛旋花子甙K strophantin K?

毒素 toxin?

毒腺 poison gland?

毒性反应 toxic reaction?

毒性甲状腺肿 toxic goiter?

毒性噬菌体,烈性噬菌体 virulent phage

毒性休克综合征 toxic shock syndrome, TSS

毒血症 toxemia?

毒蕈碱样 muscarinic (muscarine)?

毒蕈碱 muscarine?

独特位 idiotope?

独特型 idiotype?

独眼畸形 cyclopia?

杜克嗜血杆菌 Haemophilus ducreyi

杜氏利什曼原虫 Leishmania donovani

端部着丝粒染色体 telocentric chromosome

端化 terminalization?

端粒酶 telomerase?

端脑 telencephalon?

端区(端粒) telomere?

端坐呼吸 orthopnea?

短臂 shortarm?

短反馈 short loop feedback?

短杆菌肽A gramicidin A?

短膜壳绦虫 H.nana?

断裂 breakage?

断裂第一假设 breakage first hypothesis

断裂基因 split gene?

断裂剂 clastogen?

对氨基水杨酸 para aminosalicylic acid (PAS)

对光反射 light reflex?

对数期 logarithmic (log) phase?

对映体 enantiomer?

对症治疗 symptomatic treatment?

顿挫感染 abortive infection?

L -多巴 L dopa??

多巴胺 dopamine, DA?

多巴酚丁胺 dobutamine?

多倍体 polyploid?

多发性骨髓瘤 multiple myeloma?

多发性内分泌肿瘤 multiple endocrine neoplasm

多房棘球绦虫 Echinococcus multilocularis

多核巨细胞 multinucleated giant cell?

多基因病 polygenic disease?

多基因家族 multigene family?

多基因遗传 polygenic inheritance?

多级螺旋模型 multiple coiling model?

多极成神经细胞 multipolar neuroblast?

多极神经元 multipolar neuron?

多克隆 polyclonal?

多孔动物门 Phylum porifera?

多囊肾 polycystic kidney?

多能干细胞 pluripotent stem cell?

多能细胞 pluripotent cell?

多能造血干细胞 multipotential stem cell

多潘立酮 domperidone?

多泡体 multivesicular body?

多普勒效应 Doppler effect?

多器官衰竭 multiple organ failure, MOF

多胎 multiple birth?

多态型 polymorphism?

多肽 polypeptide?

多肽分泌细胞 polypeptide secreting cell

多肽链 polypeptide chain?

多糖 polysaccharide?

多细胞腺 multicellular gland?

多线染色体 polytene chromosome?

多形性 pleomorphism?

多形细胞层 polymorphic layer?

多形性红斑 erythema multiforme?

多形性胶质母细胞病 glioblastoma multiforme

多粘菌素E polymixin E?

多粘菌素类 polymyxins?

多作用子 polycistron?

俄歇电子 Auger electron?

鹅脱氧胆酸 chenodeoxy cholic acid?

额鼻隆起 frontonasal prominence?

额骨 frontal bone?

额叶 frontal lobe?

恶病质 cachexia?

恶心 nauseant(nausea)?

恶性淋巴瘤 malignant lymphoma?

恶性疟原虫 Plasmodium falciparum

恶性贫血 pernicious anemia?

恶性循环 vicious cycle?

恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor?

恶性组织细胞增生症 malignant histiocytosis

腭 palate?

腭扁桃体 palatine tonsil?

腭垂,悬雍垂 uvula?

腭帆 palatine curtain?

腭骨 palatine bone?

腭裂 cleft palate?

腭舌弓 palatoglossal arch?

腭咽弓 palatopharyngeal arch?

恩氟烷 enflurane?

儿茶酚胺 catecholamine?

儿茶酚氧位甲基转移酶 catechol O methyl transferase, COMT

耳大神经 great auricular n.?

耳廓,心耳,心房 auricle?

耳丘 auricular hillock?

耳神经节 otic ganglion?

耳蜗 cochlea?

耳蜗微音器电位 cochlear microphonic potential

二氨基庚二酸 meso diaminopimelic acid

二倍体 diploid(2n)?

二次反应,再次应答 secondary response

二氮嗪 diazoxide?

二分裂法 binary fission?

二级结构 secondary structure?

二级亲属 second degree relatives?

二甲基丙烯焦磷酸酯 dimethylallyl pyrophosphate, DMPP

二甲基亚砜 dimethyl sulphoxide, DMSO

二甲双胍 metformin?

二价体 bivalent?

二尖瓣(僧帽瓣) bicuspid valve(mitral valve)

二尖瓣狭窄 mitral stenosis?

二聚化 dimerazation?

二聚体 dimer?

1, 6二磷酸果糖醛缩酶 flucto 1,6 bisphosphate aldolase?

2,3 二磷酸甘油酸 2,3 diphosphoglyceric acid, 2,3 DPG?

2,3 二磷酸甘油酯 2,3 diphosphoglycerate,2,3 DPG?

二磷酸腺苷 adenosine 5 diphosphate, ADP

二硫键 disulfide bond?

二硫苏糖醇 dithiothreitol, DTT?

二硫辛酰胺脱氢酶 dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, DLDH

二硫辛酰胺转乙酰酶 dihydrolipoyl transacetylase, DLT

二氢埃托啡 dihydroetorphine?

二氢叶酸还原酶 dihydrofolate reductase

二巯基丙醇 dimercaptopropanol, BAL

二室模型 two compartment model?

二十面体结构 icosahedral structure of virus

二态模型学说 two state model theory

二肽 dipeptide?

二肽酶 dipeptidase?

二酰甘油 diacylglycerin, DG?

二向色性比 dichroic ratio?

二硝基苯酚 dinitrophenol,DNP?

二性霉素B amphotericin B?

二氧化碳 carbon dioxide, CO2?

二氧化碳分压 partial pressure of CO2, PCO2?

二氧化碳结合力 CO2 combining power, CO2 CP

二氧化碳麻醉 carbondioxide narcosis

发病学 pathogenesis?

发光 luminescence?

发热 fever?

发射光谱 emission spectra?

发育 development?

发育不良 dysplasia?

发育遗传学 developmental genetics?

乏氧性缺氧 hypoxic hypoxia?

法拉第电磁感应定律 Faraday law of electromagnetic induction

法鲁(乐)四联症 tetralogy of Fallot?

法氏囊 bursa fabricius?

番泻叶 senna?

翻译,平动 translation?

翻转运动 flip flop?

反Δ2 烯酰CoA trans Δ 2 enoyl CoA

反编码链 anticoding strand?

反分化 retrodifferentiation?

反馈 feedback?

反馈抑制作用 feedback inhibition?

反密码子 anticodon?

反面 trans face?

反求遗传学 reverse genetics?

反射 reflex?

反射弧 reflex arc?

反式作用因子 trans acting factor?

反意链 antisense strand?

反应 reaction?

SOS反应 SOS response?

反应规范 reaction norm?

返幼 rejuvenation?

泛醌 ubiquinone (UQ)?

泛素化 ubiquitination?

范得华引力 Van der Waals gravitation

方均根速率 root mean square speed?

方叶 quadrate lobe?

L-芳香氨基酸脱羧酶抑制剂 inhibitor of aromatic L amino acid decarboxylase

防腐 antisepsis?

防护效应 protection effect?

房间隔 interatrial septum?

房间隔缺损 atrial septal defect?

房室瓣 atrioventricular valves (A V valves)

房室管 atrioventricular canal?

房室结 atrioventricular node?

房室口 atrioventricular orifice?

房室束 atrioventricular bundle?

房水 aqueous humour?

纺锤体,梭 spindle?

纺锤体纤维 spindle fiber?

放大镜 magnifier?

放电 discharge?

放射冠 corona radiata?

放射环模型 radial loop model?

放射免疫分析 radioimmunoassay, RIA

放射敏感性 radiosensitivity?

放射性,放射性活度 radioactivity?

放射性白内障 radiation cataract?

放射性变应原吸附试验 radioallergosorbent test, RAST

放射性碘 radioactive iodine?

放射性核素 radioactive nuclide?

放射性核素 radioactivity nuclide?

放射性活度 radioactivity?

放射状胶质细胞 radial neuroglia cell?

放射自显影术 autoradiography?

飞沫传播 droplet transmission?

非保守力 non conservative force?

非必需氨基酸 non essential amino acid

非肠道途径 parenteral route?

非常光 extraordinary ray (extraordinary light)

非成熟面 immature face?

非弹性阻力 non elastic resistance?

非蛋白呼吸商 nonprotein respira tory quotient, NPRQ

非典型性肺炎 atypical pneumonia?

非惯性系 non inertial system?

非霍奇金淋巴瘤 non Hodgkin lymphoma

非呼吸功能 nonrespiratory function?

非化学性突触 nonchemical synapse?

非活性染色质 inactive chromatin?

非甲?戊型肝炎 HNA E?

非角化复层鳞状上皮 nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium?

非竞争性拮抗剂 noncompetitive antaganist

非竞争性抑制 non competitive inhibition,uncompetitive inhibition?

非快动眼睡眠 non rapid eye movement sleep, NREMS

非淋菌性尿道炎 nongonococcal urethritis, NGU

非膜相结构 non membranous structure

非诺贝特 fenofibrate?

非去极化型肌松药 nordepolarizing muscular relaxant

非条件反射 non conditioned reflex,unconditioned reflex

非微粒体氧化 nonmicrosomal oxidation

非稳态功能 non homeostatic function

非显性感染 inapparent infection?

非消除性免疫 non sterilizing immunity

非甾体类抗炎药 nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug

非整倍体 aneuploid?

非组蛋白 non histone?

菲涅耳衍射 Fresnel diffraction?

非酯型胆红素 nonesterified bilirubin?

肥大 hypertrophy?

肥大细胞 mast cell?

肥大细胞膜稳定药 stabilizer of the mast cell membrane

肥厚型心肌病 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

肥胖 obese?

肥胖带绦虫 Taenia saginata??

肥皂草素 saporin?

腓侧副韧带 fibular collateral ligament

腓肠肌 gastrocnemius m.?

腓肠神经 sural n.?

腓骨 fibula?

腓骨长肌 peroneus longus m.?

腓骨短肌 peroneus brevis m.?

腓浅神经 superficial peroneal n.?

腓深神经 deep peroneal n.?

腓总神经 common peroneal n.?

废用性萎缩 disuse atrophy?

肺 lung?

肺不张,肺膨胀不全 atelectasis?

肺尘埃病 pneumoconiosis?

肺动脉瓣 pulmonary valve,pulmonic valve

肺动脉口 pulmonary orifice?

肺动脉楔(嵌入)压 pulmonary artery wedge pressure, PAWP

肺动脉 pulmonary artery?

肺换气 pulmonary exchange?

肺活量 vital capacity, VC?

肺尖纤维干酪性结核 apical fibrocaseous tuberculosis

肺结核病 pulmonary tuberculosis?

肺静脉 pulmonary vein?

肺巨噬细胞 pulmonary macrophage?

肺扩散容量 pulmonary diffusion capacity

肺扩张反射 inflation reflex?

肺量计 spirometer?

肺毛细血管楔(嵌入)压 pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, PCWP?

肺门 hilus of lung?

肺内感受器 pulmonary receptor?

肺脓肿 pulmonary abscess?

肺泡 pulmonary alveoli,alveolus?

肺泡隔 alveolar septum?

肺泡管 alveolar duct?

肺泡巨噬细胞 alveolar macrophage?

肺泡孔 alveolar pore?

肺泡囊 alveolar sac?

肺泡上皮癌 alveolar carcinoma?

肺泡死腔,肺泡无效腔 alveolar dead space

肺泡液体 alveolar fluid?

肺泡-毛细血管膜 alveolar capillary membrane

肺膨胀不全 pulmonary atelectasis?

肺气肿 pulmonary emphysema?

肺牵张感受器 stretch receptor?

肺容积 lung volume?

肺容量 lung capacity?

肺水肿 pulmonary edema?

肺缩小反射 deflation reflex?

肺通气 pulmonary ventilation?

肺吸虫病 paragonimiasis?

肺纤维化 lung pulmonary fibrosis?

肺小叶 pulmonary lobule?

肺性脑病 pulmonary encephalopathy?

肺源性心脏病 cor pulmonale?

肺循环 pulmonary circulation?

肺芽 lung bud?

肺炎 pneumonia?

肺炎链球菌 Streptococcus pneumoniae, pneumococcus

肺炎支原体 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mp?

肺总容量 total lung capacity, TLC?

肺-皮动脉 pulmo cutaneous artery?

分辨部 discriminator?

分辨力 resolving power?

分布 distribution?

分次照射 fractionation of radiation?

分带技术 banding technique?

分化 differentiation?

分节运动 segmentation?

分解代谢,异化作用 catabolism?

分解代谢基因激活蛋白 catabolic gene activator protein, CAP

分解代谢途径 catabolic pathway?

分解代谢阻遏 catabolic repression?

分类等级 taxonmical classification?

分离 segregation?

分离负荷 segregation load?

分离律 law of segregation?

分离麻醉 dissociative anaesthesia?

分裂球,卵裂球 blastomere?

分裂原活化蛋白激酶 mitogen activated protein kinase

分泌 secretion?

分泌部 secretory portion?

分泌管 secretory duct?

分泌颗粒 secretory granule?

分泌面 secreting face?

分泌片 secretory piece?

分泌期 secretory phase?

分泌神经元 secretory neuron?

分泌小体,分泌成分 secretory component

分泌性IgA secretory IgA, sIgA?

分娩 parturition?

分生孢子 conidium, conidia?

分压差 difference of partial pressure?

分枝酶 branching enzyme?

分子 molecule?

分子病 molecular disease?

分子层 molecular layer?

分子磁矩 molecular magnetic moment

分子动力理论 molecular kinetic theory

分子光谱 molecular spectrum?

分子克隆 molecular cloning?

分子散射 molecular scattering?

分子生物学 molecular biology?

分子细胞学 molecular cytology?

分子药理学 molecular pharmacology?

分子医学 molecular medicine?

RNA分子杂交印迹法 Northern blot

分子作用球 molecular sphere of action

吩噻嗪类 phenothiazines?

芬太尼 fentanyl?

酚,石炭酸 phenol (carbolic acid)?

酚苄明 phenoxybenzamine?

酚酞 phenolphthalein?

酚妥拉明 phentolamine,regitine?

粉蝶霉素A piericidin A?

奋乃静 perphenazine?

粪便 feces?

粪胆素原 stercobilinogen?

粪-口途径 fecal oral route?

风湿热 rheumatic fever?

风湿性动脉炎 rheumatic arteritis?

风湿性肺炎 rheumatic pneumonitis?

风湿性关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis?

风湿性心包炎 rheumatic pericarditis

风湿性心肌炎 rheumatic myocarditis

风湿性心内膜炎 rheumatic endocarditis

风湿性心外膜炎 rheumatic epicarditis

风湿性心脏病 rheumatic heart disease

风湿性心脏炎 rheumatic carditis?

风湿症 rheumatism?

封闭环状DNA closed circle DNA, ccDNA

封闭抗体 blocking antibody?

封闭群 closed colony?

封闭索或闭索堤 sealing strand?

封端蛋白 capping protein?

砜类 sulfones?

峰时间 peak time?

蜂窝组织 areolar tissue?

蜂窝织性阑尾炎 phlegmonous appendicitis

缝匠肌 sartorius m.?

缝隙连接 gap junction?

佛波酯 phorbol ester?

夫琅禾费衍射 Fraunhofer diffraction

呋喃妥因(呋喃坦啶) nitrofurantoin(furadantin)

呋喃唑酮 furazolidone?

跗骨,睑板 tarsus?

跗骨的 tarsal?

跗骨间关节 intertarsal joint?

跗跖关节 tarsometatarsal joint?

氟2,4二硝基苯 fluoro 2,4 dinitrobenzene, FDNB

氟奋乃静 fluphenazine?

氟桂利嗪 flunarizine?

氟康唑 fluconazole?

5 氟尿嘧啶 5 fluorouracil (5 FU)?

氟哌啶醇 haloperidol?

氟哌啶 droperidol?

5 氟胞嘧啶 5 flurocytosin?

氟烷 halothane?

氟西泮 flurazepam?

福氏耐格里阿米巴 Naegleria fowleri amoeba

福氏完全佐剂 Freund s complete adjuvant

辐射分解 radiolysis?

辐射对称 radial symmetry?

辐射管 radial canal?

辐射细胞遗传学 radiation cytogenetics

辐射遗传学 radiation genetics?

辐射致癌作用 radiation carcinogenesis

脯氨酸 proline?

脯氨酸富含区 proline rich domain?

辅基 prosthetic group?

α辅肌动蛋白 α actinin?

β辅肌动蛋白 β actinin?

辅酶A coenzyme A?

辅酶 co enzyme?

辅因子 co factor?

辅脂酶 colipase?

辅助性T细胞,T h细胞 help T cell

辅佐细胞 accesory cell?

父系 paternal strain?

负调控 negative regulation?

负反馈 negative feedback?

负荷剂量 loading dose?

负晶体 negative crystal?

负离子间隙 anion gap, AG?

负染色 negative staining?

负碳原子 carbanion?

负性变传导(的) negative dromotropic

负性变传导效应 negative dromotropic action

负性变力(的) negative inotropic?

负性变力效应 negative inotropic action

负性变时(的) negative chronotropic?

负性变时效应 negative chronotropic action

负优生学 negative eugenics?

附壁 pavementing?

附壁血拴形成 mural thrombosis?

附壁血栓 mural thrombus?

附睾 epididymis?

附睾管 epididymal duct?

附加体 episome?

附加压强 additional pressure?

附属性器官 accessory sex organ?

附肢骨骼 appendicular skeleton?

附着层 adhesive layer?

复层鳞状上皮 stratified squamous epithelium

复层上皮 stratified epithelium?

复层柱状上皮 stratified columnar epithelium

复等位基因 multiple alleles?

复发 relapse?

复合糖 glycoconjugates?

复合物 complex?

HLA复合物 HLA complex?

H2复合物 H2 complex?

复活(复苏) resuscitation?

复极化 repolarization?

复极速度 repolarization velocity?

复腺 compound gland?

复性 renaturation?

复制 replication?

复制叉 replication fork?

复制起始点 replication origin?

复制周期 replicative cycle?

复制子 replicon?

副交感的 parasympathetic?

副交感神经 parasympathetic nerve?

副皮质区 paracortex zone?

副粘病毒 paramyxovirus?

副神经 accessory n.?

副质 paraplasm?

副作用 side reaction?

腹壁浅动脉 superficial epigastric a.?

腹壁上动脉 superior epigastric a.?

腹侧 ventral?

腹侧呼吸组 ventral respiratory group, VRG

腹股沟管 inguinal canal?

腹股沟浅(皮下)环 superficial inguinal ring

腹股沟浅淋巴结 superficial inguinal lymph node

腹股沟韧带 inguinal ligament?

腹股沟三角 inguinal triangle?

腹股沟深(腹)环 deep inguinal ring?

腹股沟深淋巴结 deep inguinal lymph node

腹横肌 transversus abdominis m.?

腹横筋膜 transversalis fascia?

腹后核 ventral posterior nucleus?

腹后内侧核 ventral posteromedial nucleus

腹后外侧核 ventral posterolateral nucleus

腹膜 peritoneum?

腹膜腔 peritoneal cavity?

腹膜炎 peritonitis?

腹内斜肌 obliquus internus abdominis m.

腹前核 ventral anterior nucleus?

腹腔丛 coeliac plexus?

腹腔动脉 coeliac artery?

腹腔干 coeliac trunk?

腹腔积水, 腹水 ascites,hydroperitonia

腹腔淋巴结 coeliac lymph node?

腹腔内的 intraperitoneal, i.p?

腹腔神经节 coeliac ganglion?

腹式呼吸 abdominal respiration?

腹外侧核 ventral lateral nucleus?

腹外斜肌 obliquus externus abdominis m.

腹吸盘 ventral sucker?

腹胰芽 ventral pancreatic bud?

腹胰 ventral pancreas?

腹直肌 rectus abdominis m.?

腹直肌鞘 sheath of rectus abdominis?

腹主动脉 abdominal aorta?

钙 calcium?

钙超载 calcium overload?

钙调蛋白 calmodulin, CaM?

钙拮抗药 calcium antagonists?

钙结合蛋白 calcium binding protein, CaBP

钙三醇(1,25二羟维生素D3) calitriol

钙通道 calcium channel?

钙依赖性动作电位 Ca 2+ dependent action potential

盖膜 tectorial membrane?

概率密度 probability density?

概率 probability?

干酪性肺炎 caseous pneumonia?

干酪样坏死 caseous necrosis?

干扰(现象) interference?

干扰素 interferon, IFN?

干热灭菌法 dry heat sterilization?

干系 stem line?

干细胞 stem cell?

干性坏疽 dry gangrene?

甘氨酸 glycine?

甘露醇 mannitol?

甘露糖 mannose?

甘露糖苷酶 mannosidase?

GDP甘露糖基转移酶 GDP mannosyl transferase

甘露糖6 磷酸 mannose 6 phosphate?

甘油 glycerine,glycerol?

甘油二酯 diacylglycerol, DG?

甘油激酶 glycerol kinase?

甘油磷酸脱氢酶 glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase

甘油磷脂 phosphoglyceride?

甘油三酯 triacylglycerol,triglyceride?

甘油一酯 monoglyceride?

杆菌 bacillus, bacilli?

肝 liver?

肝板 hepatic plate?

肝肠循环 hepatoenteral circulation?

肝毒性 hepatotoxicity?

肝功能不全 hepatic insufficiency?

肝功能衰竭 hepatic failure?

肝昏迷 hepatic coma?

肝静脉 hepatic vein?

肝盲囊 caecum hepaticum?

肝门静脉 hepatic portal vein?

肝内胆管闭锁 intrahepatic biliary atresia

肝片吸虫 fasciola hepatica?

肝片吸虫病 fascioliasis?

肝憩室 hepatic diverticulum?

肝肾综合征 hepatorenal syndrome, HRS?

肝十二指肠韧带 hepatoduodenal ligament

肝素 heparin, HEP?

肝索 hepatic cord?

肝外胆管闭锁 extrahepatic biliary atresia

肝胃韧带 hepatogastric ligament?

肝细胞 hepatocyte?

肝细胞癌 liver cell carcinoma?

肝细胞瘤 hepatoma?

肝细胞生长因子 hepatic growth factor, hepat ocyte growth factor, HGF

肝细胞性黄疸 hepatocellular jaundice

肝细胞粘合分子 liver cell adhesion molecule, LCAM

肝腺泡 hepatic acinus?

肝小叶 hepatic lobule?

肝性脑病 hepatic encephalopathy?

肝性水肿 hepatic edema?

肝血窦 hepatic sinusoid?

肝炎 hepatitis?

肝胰壶腹 hepatopancreatic ampulla?

肝抑素 hepatic chalone?

肝硬变 cirrhosis of liver,liver cirrhosis

肝圆韧带 round ligament of liver?

肝总动脉 common hepatic a.?

肝左(右)管 left(right)hepatic duct?

肝左(右)叶 left(right)lobe of liver?

感光细胞 photoreceptor cell,photosensory cell

感觉 sensation?

感觉编码 sensory coding?

感觉器官 sense organ?

感觉器 sensory receptor?

感觉上皮 sensory epithelium?

感觉神经末梢 sensory nerve ending?

感觉神经元 sensory neuron?

感染 infection?

感染阶段 infective stage?

感染性休克 infectious shock?

感染性心内膜炎 infective endocarditis

感生电动势 induced electromotive force

感受器,灵敏元件 sensor?

感受器电位 receptor potential?

感受器细胞 receptor cell?

感受态细胞 competent cell?

感应电动势 induction electromotive force

橄榄 olive?

冈崎片段 Okazaki fragment?

刚地弓形虫 Toxoplasma gondii??

刚体 rigid body?

刚性平面 rigid plane?

纲 class?

肛凹或原肛 proectoduem?

肛窦 anal sinus?

肛管 anal canal?

肛门 anus?

肛门内(外)括约肌 internal(external)anal sphincter m.

肛门拭子法 anal swab?

肛膜 anal membrane?

肛皮线 linea anocutanea?

肛梳 pecten?

肛提肌 levator ani m.?

肛柱 anal columns?

高胆红素血症 hyperbilirubinemia?

高动力型休克 hyperdynamic shock?

高尔基大囊泡 Golgi vacuoles?

高尔基复合体 Golgi complex?

高尔基腱器官 Golgi tendon organ?

高尔基囊泡 Golgi sac,Golgi saccule?

高尔基器或高尔基体 Golgi apparatus or Golgi body

高尔基细胞 Golgi cell?

高尔基小囊泡 Golgi vesicle?

高分子激肽原 high molecular weight kininogen, HMWK

LH高峰 LH surge?

高钾血症 hyperkalemia?

高镁血症 hypermagnesemia?

高密度脂蛋白 high density lipoprotein, HDL

DNA高敏位点 DNA hypersensitive site (DH)

高敏性 hyperreaction?

高能键 high energy band?

高凝状态 hypercoagulability?

高频重组 high frequency recombination, HFR

高色效应 hyperchromic effect?

高渗性脱水 hypertonic dehydration?

高斯定理 Gauss theorem?

高斯面 Gauss surface?

高输出量性心力衰竭 high output heart failure

高铁血红蛋白血症 methemoglobinemia

高血钙症 hypercalcemia?

高血糖素,胰高血糖素 glucagon?

高血压 hypertension?

高压蒸汽灭菌法 autoclaving?

高张溶液 hypertonic solution?

睾酮 testosterone?

睾丸 testis (testes)?

睾丸动脉 testicular a.?

睾丸女性化综合征 testicular feminization syndrome

睾丸网 rete testis?

睾丸纵隔 mediastinum testis?

革兰染色法 Gram staining?

格列吡嗪 glipizide?

格列齐特 gliclazide?

格鲁米特 glutethimide?

隔代遗传 skipped generation?

隔离器 isolator?

膈 diaphragm?

膈神经 phrenic n.?

骼蛋白纤维 skeletin filament?

戈瑞 Gray,Gy?

个体差异 individual variation?

个体发育 ontogeny?

个体性 individuality?

各系统疾病动物模型 animal model of diseases in different systems?

各向同性的 isotropic?

各向异性 anisotropy?

各向异性的 anisotropic?

给位 donor site?

给药途径 route of administration?

跟骨 calcaneus?

跟腱 tendo calcaneus?

更生霉素(放线菌素D) dactinomycin(actinomycin D)

梗塞 infarct?

工作细胞 working cell?

弓形虫病 toxoplasmosis?

功能层 functional layer?

功能合胞体 functional syncytium?

功能性短路 functional shunting?

功能性疾病 functional disease?

功能性死腔 functional dead space?

功能余气量 functional residual capacity, FRC

功能原理 principle of transformation between work and energy?

供者 donor?

肱动脉 brachial a.?

肱二头肌 biceps brachii m.?

肱骨 humerus?

肱肌 brachialis m.?

肱桡肌 brachioradialis m.?

肱三头肌 triceps brachii m.?

宫颈(内)息肉 endocervical polyp?

宫外孕 ectopic pregnancy?

巩膜 sclera?

巩膜静脉窦 sinus venosus sclerae?

巩膜距 scleral spur?

共存 coexistence?

共聚焦激光扫描显微镜 confocal laser scanning microscope, CLSM?

共栖 commensalism?

共显性 codominance?

共用通路 common pathway?

共有的或交叉的独特型 public, cross reacting idiotypes

共振 resonance?

共轴球面系统 coaxial system?

佝偻病 rickets?

沟 sulcus?

钩虫病 hookworm disease?

钩骨 hamate bone?

钩球蚴 coracidium?

钩突 uncinate process?

构象 conformation?

构效关系 structure activity relationship

构型 configuration?

咕啉 corrin?

孤立系统,隔离系统 isolated system?

孤束核 nucleus solitarius?

古脑皮层 paleopallium?

古皮质 archeocortex?

古小脑 archicerebellum?

谷氨酸 glutamic acid?

谷氨酸脱羧酶 glutamic acid decarboxylase, GAD

L-谷氨酸脱氢酶 L glutamate dehydrogenase

谷氨酸盐 glutamate, Glu?

谷氨酰胺 glutamine?

谷氨酰胺富含区 glutamine rich domain

谷氨酰胺合成酶 glutamine synthetase

谷氨酰胺酶 glutaminase?

γ 谷氨酰基循环 γ glutamyl cycle?

γ 谷氨酰基转移酶 γ glutamyl transferase

谷丙转氨酶 glutamic pyruvic transaminase, GPT;alanine amino transferase,ALT

谷草转氨酶 glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, GOT

谷胱甘肽 glutathione?

谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 glutathione peroxidase

股动脉 femoral a.?

股二头肌 biceps femoris m.?

股骨 femur?

股管 femoral canal?

股环 femoral ring?

股深动脉 deep femoral a.?

股神经 femoral n.?

股四头肌 quadriceps femoris m.?

股外侧皮神经 lateral femoral cutaneous n.

股直肌 rectus femoris m.?

骨 bone?

骨板 bone lamella?

骨半规管 bony semicircular canal?

骨单位 osteon?

骨发育不全 osteogenesis imperfecta?

骨钙蛋白 osteocalcin?

骨骼 skeleton?

骨骼肌松弛药 skeletal muscular relaxant

骨骼肌 skeletal muscle?

骨骼系统 skeletal system,skeleton system

骨关节病 osteoarthrosis?

骨壶腹 bony ampulla?

骨化中心 ossification center?

骨基质 bone matrix?

骨痂 callus?

骨间掌(背)侧肌 palmar(dorsal)interosseous m.

骨领 bone collar?

骨瘤 osteoma?

骨螺旋板 osseous spiral lamina?

骨迷路 bony labyrinth?

骨密质 compact bone?

骨内膜 endosteum?

骨盆 pelvis?

骨肉瘤(成骨肉瘤) osteosarcoma?

骨松质 spongy bone?

骨髓 bone marrow?

骨髓瘤 myeloma?

骨髓型急性放射病 bone marrow form acute radialion sickness

骨髓依赖淋巴细胞 bone marrow dependent lymphocyte

骨外膜 periosteum?

骨细胞 osteocyte?

骨陷窝 bone lacuna?

骨小管 bone canaliculi?

骨盐 bone mineral?

骨盐沉积 mineralization?

骨有机质 organic matrix?

骨原细胞 osteogenic cell?

骨粘连蛋白 osteonectin?

骨质疏松 osteoporosis?

骨组织 osseous tissue?

钴胺素(维生素B12) cobalamine?

钴离子 cobalt ion?

鼓膜 tympanic membrane?

鼓室 tympanic cavity?

鼓索 chorda tympani?

固定剂 fixative?

固定 fixation?

固有结缔组织 connective tissue proper

固有口腔 mouth cavity proper?

固有膜 lamina propria?

固有频率(本征频率) natural frequency

固着核糖体 bound ribosome?

胍乙啶 guanethidine?

寡核苷酸探针 oligonucleotide probe?

寡霉素敏感蛋白质 oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein, OSCP?

关键酶 key enzyme?

关节 joint, articulation?

关节囊 articular capsule?

关节盘 articular disc?

关节腔 joint cavity?

关节软骨 articular cartilage?

关节突 articular process?

冠(额)状面 coronal(frontal)plane?

冠脉循环 coronary circulation?

冠状动脉 coronary artery?

冠状窦 coronary sinus?

管家基因 housekeeping gene?

管泡状腺 tubuloacinar gland?

管型 cast?

管状 tubular?

管状腺 tubular gland?

惯性系 inertial system?

灌流分布不均 uneven distribution of perfusion

光程 optical path?

光的干涉 interference of light?

光的散射 scattering of light?

光的衍射 diffraction of light?

光电效应 photoelectric effect?

光动力作用 photodynamics?

光分解 photolysis?

光化损伤 actinic damage?

光辉霉素 mithramycin?

光聚合 photopolymerization?

光老化 photoaging?

光敏化 photosensitization?

光的吸收 absorption of light?

光学厚度 optical thickness?

光学显微镜 light microscope, LM?

光氧化 photooxidation?

光栅 grating?

光栅常量 grating constant?

光轴 optical axis?

光子 photon?

归一化,正常化 normalization?

轨道磁矩 orbital magnetic moment?

鬼笔环肽 phalloidin?

贵要静脉 basilic v.?

果糖二磷酸酶 fructose diphosphatase

果糖激酶 fructokinase?

果蝇 drosophila melanogaster?

动脉 popliteal a.?

淋巴结 popliteal lymph node?

过碘酸雪夫氏反应 periodic acid Schiff reaction, PAS

过渡态 transition state?

过渡态类似物 transition state analogs

过继免疫 adoptive immunity?

过继转移 adoptive transfer?

过敏毒素 anaphylatoxin?

过敏反应 anaphylaxis,hypersensitive reaction

过敏反应嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子 eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphyl axis, ECF A?

过敏性慢反应物质 slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis, SRS A?

过敏性休克 anaphylactic shock?

过敏原,变态原 allergen?

过热 hyperthermia?

过氧化氢体(微体) peroxisome(microbody)

过氧化物酶 peroxidase?

过氧化物酶抗过氧化物酶复合体法, PAP法 peroxid ase anti peroxidase complex method, PAP method

哈弗斯管 Haversian canal?

哈弗斯系统 Haversian system?

海洛因 heroin?

海马 hippocampus?

海绵窦 cavernous sinus?

海绵状血管瘤 cavernous hemangioma

含铁小体 siderosome?

含铁血黄素,血铁黄蛋白 hemosiderin

含铁血黄素沉着症 hemosiderosis?

寒战 shivering?

汉城型病毒 seoul virus?

汉坦病毒属 Hanta virases?

汉滩型病毒 Hantaan virus?

汉-许-克三氏病 Hand Schüller Christian Disease

合胞体,多核巨细胞 syncytia?

合并症 complication?

合成 synthesis?

合成代谢 anabolic pathway?

合成期 synthesis stage?

HMGCoA合成酶 hydrox ymethylglutaryl CoA synthetase

合体滋养层 syncytiotrophoblast?

合子,受精卵 zygote?

何尔登效应 Haldane effect?

河豚毒 tetrodotoxin, TTX?

E W核 Edinger Westphal nucleus?

核被膜 nuclear envelope?

核磁成像 NMR imaging?

核磁共振 nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR

核蛋白 nucleoprotein?

核蛋白体核糖核酸 ribosomal RNA, rRNA

核蛋白体结合位点 ribosome binding site

核蛋白体灭活蛋白 ribosome inactivating protein

核蛋白体循环 ribosome cycle?

核苷 nucleoside,riboside?

核苷二磷酸酶 nucleoside diphosphatase

核苷焦磷酸酶 nucleoside pyrophosphatase

核苷酸 nucleotide?

5' 核苷酸酶 5' nucleotidase?

核骨架 nuclear skeleton?

核黄疸 nuclear jaundice,kernicterus?

核黄素(维生素B2) riboflavin?

核基质 nuclear matrix?

核孔 nuclear pore?

核孔复合体 nuclear pore complex?

核酶 ribozyme?

核膜 nuclear membrane?

核内复制 endoreduplication?

核内受体 intranuclear receptor?

核内小RNA small nuclear RNA, snRNA

核内有丝分裂 endomitosis?

核仁 nucleolus?

核仁基质 nucleolar matrix?

核仁内染色质 intra nucleolar chromatin

核仁相随染色质 nucleolar associated chromatin

核仁丝状区 nucleolonema?

核仁周边染色质 perinucleolar chromatin

核仁组织区 nucleolar organizing region, NOR

核溶 karyolysis?

核衰变 nuclear decay?

核素 nuclide?

核酸 nucleic acid?

核酸酶 nuclease?

核碎 karyorrhexis?

核缩 karyopyknosis?

核糖 ribose?

核糖核蛋白体结合蛋白 ribophorin?

核糖核苷酸还原酶 ribonucleotide reductase

核糖核苷酸 ribonucleotide?

核糖核酸酶 RNase?

核糖核酸 ribonucleic acid(RNA)?

核糖体,核糖核蛋白体 ribosome?

核酮糖 ribulose?

核纤层 nuclear lamina?

核小体 nucleosome?

核心蛋白质 core protein?

核心粒 core?

核型 karyotype?

核衣壳 nucleocapsid?

核移植法 nucleus transplantation?

核质 nuclear material?

核质杂种 nucleus cytoplasm hybrid?

核周质 perikaryon?

核子 nucleon?

颌下腺 submaxillary gland?


褐色硬结 brown induration?

赫林体 Herring body?

黑粪 melena?

黑热病 Kala azar?


参与人数 1积极性 +6 收起 理由
修修改改 + 6 谢谢分享~不过整理成附件上传更好~


linsuidemeng 发表于 2011-3-22 08:23:10 | 显示全部楼层
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