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[工作交流] 四川中成药叩开欧盟大门 实现我国中药领域零突破

hope21 发表于 2012-3-31 13:56:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
四川中成药叩开欧盟大门 实现我国中药领域零突破
【 2012-03-29 17:15 】
【来源: 四川新闻网 】


  “地奥心血康胶囊”是国家中药保护品种和国家基本药物,具有完全自主知识产权。经过20多年的市场检验,其优良的疗效和安全性得到了充分验证。2011年产品年销售收入达5.6亿元,进入欧盟市场后,预计2012年产品销售将有重大突破。(通讯员 王月婷 赵蝶)

http://www.cbg-meb.nl/CBG/en/hum ... n_Union/default.htm

March 22, 2012 - First Authorisation of Traditional Herbal Medicine from outside the European Union
On 14 March 2012, the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) for the first time in the European Union granted a marketing authorisation to a herbal medicinal product based on traditional use, manufactured in Chengdu, China.

The application was evaluated very carefully on the basis of pharmaceutical quality, safety and the justification of traditional use. The EU Directive on traditional herbal medicines stipulates that a period of at least 30 years of medicinal use, including 15 years of use in the EU, has to be justified. This means that herbal medicinal products manufactured outside the EU can also comply with the European requirements for traditional herbal medicines.

The assessment of this herbal medicinal product was not an easy task for the MEB: on the one hand, the evaluation of the scientific data in the application dossier needs to be based on the legal requirements for quality, safety and the justification of the indication based on traditional use. On the other hand many of these herbal products are on the market, including those which are manufactured outside the European Union. Patients and consumers can now benefit from the clarity provided by registration. They can be sure that for this herbal medicinal product, there has been a careful evaluation of quality, benefits and risks.

With this registration, the MEB does not give an opinion about the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

The herbal medicinal product Diao Xin Xue Kang capsules, manufactured by Diao Chengdu Pharmaceuticals in China, is marketed in the Netherlands by SUBiomedicine, Zeist. Diao Xin Xue Kang capsules contain a dry extract of rhizomes of Dioscorea nipponica Makino (Japanese Yam).

Traditional herbal medicinal products are based on long-term marketing experience and are characterised in the European Directive (2001/83/EC) on human medicinal products as:

Herbal medicinal products with an indication which guarantees a safe use, in particular that it can be used without the supervision of a medical doctor. The registered indication for Diao Xin Xue Kang capsules is: “traditional herbal medicinal product used for the relief of headache and pain and cramps in the muscles of neck, back and legs. Based on long-term experience and not based on clinical evidence.” (for the official Summary of Product Characteristics reference is made to the Dutch SPC, which can be obtained from the Medicines Data Bank)
Herbal medicinal products used with a specific strength and posology. Therefore, the authorisation of Diao Xin Xue Kang can not be compared with the supply of Chinese herbal mixtures. The specifications of Diao Xin Xue Kang are established in detail in the marketing authorisation dossier.
Demonstration of a tradition of medicinal use with Dioscorea nipponica rhizome of more than 30 years, including at least 15 years in the European Union. The manufacturer has submitted sufficient scientific data on safety tests, which have been evaluated. In addition, at the time of release on the market, the marketing authorisation holder is obliged to implement a pharmacovigilance system which complies with European requirements.
The manufacturing site of Diao in Chengdu, China has undergone an inspection on Good Manufacturing Practice, carried out by the Dutch Pharmaceutical Inspection.
More information
SPC Diao Xin Xue Kang capsules, March 2012 (in Dutch)
3 May 2011 -  European Directive on Traditional Herbal Medicines Takes Effect on 1 May 2011


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tianyarhy + 18 很给力!


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